Bubble Galaxy

Bubbles seek and separate from each other, and make sounds when they get too close.





Bubble Galaxy

Bubble Galaxy is a generative sound experience. In Bubble Galaxy, each Bubble is on a mission to separate itself from most of the other Bubbles. At the same time, Bubbles are seeking out a subset of other Bubbles (controlled by you!).

Bubbles make sounds when they get too close to each other (at a distance relative to the size of your web browser). The tones that play are spread across four keys of increasing frequency, based on the root tone (controlled by the tone slider). Each key features the same set of intervals of its root, but the root can be an octave, fourth, or fifth above the root tone.

Bubble Galaxy was created by Chris Schnaars. Please get in touch with any questions, problems, or feedback. You can find more info on Bubble Galaxy at Github and more generative sound tools here.